Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

In the imaginary past
Plot: About a beautiful girl and a Queen that wants to kill the princess Snow White comes across a cottage  and decides to clean it up and doesn't know that it belong to small, but very intelligent  dwarfs. They first meet her when she was laying on one of the dwarfs' beds as she is very tired after cleaning all day. Then one fine day Snow White finds this handsome prince and falls in love with him. They have planed to see each other under the apple tree and will meet him after she cleans the cottage.When Snow White had finished cleaning she goes out and finds the prince and   she comes across the Queen who is disguise as a very ugly old woman and says that if she eats the apple she gets happiness so Snow White bites the apple and fall into a dark sleep. The dwarfs get worried and search for Snow.   They find her under the tree and all lift her up and carry her back to the cottage and only her true love can awake her with just one kiss, so they set out to find the prince and they found him.   They tell him that Snow White has fallen into a dark sleep,  so he quickly races back to the cottage and kisses her and she awakes and she tells him that the queen gave her an apple and the prince kills the queen and they live happily ever after.
 One of the earliest books ever, that I loved and I still do read, is the tale of  Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Unfortunately, when I read it first, I hated reading, and hated reading English more. Everything seemed acceptable, admirable, wonderful when a story was being told to me; the same become rather a pain to read! Pages never seemed to end and during those days Disney’s story books with its amazing colors and features and loveable characters were not available, at least in my hometown. When they did become available, they seemed way too costly for a small fairlytale book. All I had was a hardbound copy of Brothers Grimm Fairytales, from my ma’s college library.
The book was a serious looking thing that no child would like to read.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
It  did have illustrations, in  black and white, more of art than of a child’d fantasy. Obviously I didnot read it at all. Kept it with me for a few days and returned it saying I have read all of it.
Much later, I found my book, at a second hand shop. I fell in love with it, as soon as I saw. It was old, yellowed ,little torn on the sidea, but altogether it was a perfect lil Disney Snow White, in blue, with Snow White and thye dwarves all together on the cover. I begged for it immidiatly and fortunately got it too. From that day on, its still there. Reading it was a wonderful expirience. Bright, colourful, with wonderul looking Snow White and the cutest Dwarves and the handsomest prince ever. I was astounded, never in my life the tacky old Grimm Bother’s Taleds would have created such an impression and such romance. After I read it and saw the pictures, over and over again, imagining the castle, how beautiful Snow White was, how pretty she would be, if she were real, and how quaint the dwarves cottage was…
That seemed to be the parameter of my imagination. It sort of defined what princes, princesses, woods, witches, castles, evening gowns were like. Once it was set reading the book of fairy tales in hard bound tattered green cover seemed easier than before. As I grew up I read many more fairy tales. Some I found common to the tale of snow , like the tale of Nourie Hadig.I thought it was a arabian story, as the word nourie is a word used in Hindi, Urdu, as a beautiful woman, who lures men though not intentionally. I found it to be an Armenian tale. Only here, Nourie Hadig took care of a prince, for seven years. And then wore a ring , sent by her stepmother to fall asleep again. A little search found similar italian story Bella Venezia, The Young Salve, Myrsina (Greek), etc. All these tales are with little variations, but most agree to falling asleep due to magic and the Prince.
When I read now, Snow White seems to be a strange story, A difficult story;  for we all know that it is not nice at all, to be plotted against by a stepmother,simply because of being beautiful.I believe it is as always because of popularity and political future. If I imagine her to be real, then it is the most unfortunate story of a girl, unattened by her father, living a life of an almost-maid, in difficult conditions, fleeing for her life. It needs a great heart or a lot of pain to serve seven dwarves, I go with great heart. When none helped, she was helped by these men, who sort of took care of her. She died none the less. If the story had any real part was the fact that she did die. It turns in to a fairy tale with the arrival of the Prince. For a girl who has been working at a cottage in return of shelter and food, it is quite difficult to maintain her beauty. I wonder what the Prince liked in her. The kiss of true love does not come easy to most individuals. The last part is rather acceptable, being taken by the prince . For a girl who is considerably pretty, marriage to a man who is ready to accept her and keep her safe was all she could ask for. Still we all know how marriages are, how princes are, and how fairytales are more possible in lives of common people than those those born in seats of power and politics. It seemed to be a marriage of no choice. I do not know how Snow White lived rest of her life.