Friday, August 26, 2011

Roxana died a year later of tuberculosis at the age of forty-one

The following excerpt from a letter written by Rosana Beecher (nee Foote, mother of Harriet Beecher Stowe & 12 other children) to her sister-in-law prompted biographer Joan Hedrick to ask the poignant question: "What must it have been like to have been curious, intelligent, and a woman in 1815? (And Rosana Foote was among the privileged⎯what of Zillah and Rachel in the kitchen)?":

Would now write you a long letter, if it were not for several vexing circumstances, such as the weather extremely cold, storm violent, and no wood cut; Mr. Beecher gone; and Sabbath day, with company⎯a clergyman, a stranger; Catharine sick; George almost so; Rachel's finger cut off, and she crying and groaning with the pain. Mr. Beecher is gone to preach at New Hartford, and did not provide us wood enough to last, seeing the weather has grown so exceedingly cold....As for reading, I average perhaps one page a week, besides what I do on Sundays. I expect to be obliged to be contented (if I can) with the stock of knowledge I already possess, except what I can glean from the conversation of others....Mary has, I suppose, told you of the discovery that the fixed alkalies are metallic oxyds. I first saw the notice in the "Christian Observer." I have since seen it in an "Edinburgh Review." The former mentioned that the metals have been obtained by means of the galvanic battery; the latter mentions another, and, they say, better mode. I think that is all the knowledge I have obtained in the whole circle of arts and sciences of late; if you have been more fortunate, pray let me reap the benefit.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Lifes In Good Lifes

With the surging crowd, She recruitment into the 11th spot.
Most job seekers with different she neither deliberately modified their own and did not bring jobs data, which it keeps her in a large number of candidates in sight to behold.
It stands to reason that, with the top students she prestigious universities administered by the professional conditions, easy to find a job should not be a problem. But the fact happens is that not only broke his alma mater, graduates
she continuous record of 10 unsuccessful job search, and each Lapin is so irrelevant.
She first Lapin, because non-"male" sex, is not a priority consideration. Second Lapin, because non-"O" blood type, Party A does not match the hiring requirements. Third Lapin, because drinker too small to entertain customers. Fourth Lapin, because of poor image, it is difficult to attract guests all directions. Fifth Lapin, because of poor dance, it was difficult for formal occasions. Sixth Lapin, because is not open, hard to be a variety of scenes. Seventh Lapin is the opposite sex because of pay, not suitable for development training. Eighth Lapin is premature to reach employ field, can not cherish the time. Ninth Lapin, because the initiative to help organize the venue, was watching the posturing, to please the examiner. Tenth Lapin, because the answer visionary, is considered to be sensational, impractical.
Lapin's 10 reasons to
shen both laugh and cry, and helpless. Fortunately, she a cheerful and optimistic girl, the face of bizarre workplace, even give birth while the job of the machine, the idea of ​​exploring the mysteries of the workplace.
This time,
she candidate is the post of sales manager, the interview method is also very special - just let us free to visit the company. Visit, general manager, has repeatedly told us, in addition to R & D Center 308 rooms, can be seen anywhere else.
In accordance with the general manager told, we visited the room in turn, plant, life, entertainment, administrative and research and development centers - in addition to all the workshops than 308.
During the visit, LiuXiaoMan been puzzled to think of the general manager of special tips, that should be restricted for another try, see what happens.
Visit the crowd out other R & D building,
she return to the third floor, quietly open the door 308. Room, only one table, the table has a general manager has not yet received a signed unsealed letter. She not hesitate to pick up the letter covered with dust, to catch up with tour groups, gave it to general manager.
General manager eyes lit up immediately publicly announced hiring LiuXiaoMan as sales manager.
With feelings of surprise, the sales manager
she get the throne. Of course, she treasure this opportunity and give full play to their potential, and actively lead the staff in-depth market research and adjust marketing strategies, and soon earned the company a huge profit.
Celebration party conference, while
she toast to the occasion, general manager whispered: "General Manager, can you tell I had hired my reason?"
General manager smiled and said: "I hired you because you are not bound to think outside the box, courage into the 'restricted area', to explore the mysteries, this is the sales manager should have good quality and pioneering spirit has proved that my judgments and choices are correct. "
She eyes moist, a new sentiment arises spontaneously: the original, the door to success is wide open to everyone! 

                                                               ---《Good Lifes》